Saturday, July 6, 2013

1 Corinthians 6:12-20

1 Corinthians 6:12-20


There is a popular saying going around, "If you have an itch you should scratch it." That might be true, but it doesn't make it smart. You say, "I am free to scratch any itch." But sooner or later that itch is going to own you. I won't let that happen in my life. You also live behind the ideal, "Food and sex are the same thing. Temporary." I mean, you're going to die some day. Why not indulge a little?

Consider this...

Your body was programmed by God. He is the creator, the one who wrote the spiritual code for our software. We are seriously voiding the warranty when we chase after reckless and meaningless sex. Instead we should be loyal to God whose duty is to make our bodies mint condition.

You would be wrong to think that you are just a bag of bones and a bunch of primal desires. You're actually a spiritual power house capable of resurrection. The same power that God put into Christ's body. This puts you into a very special class of citizens called Team Christ.

Take your new life seriously. If you represent Team Christ and believe that you are part of His body would it make any sense to also team up with prostitutes? Imagine if I gave you the original Mona Lisa painting and you used it like toilet paper. If you go around trying to score chicks then you are sharing more than just a night of pleasure. You are sharing your body, soul and mind. You just said "till death do us part" in your flesh.

But you guys are upgraded into having a union with Christ. He is of infinite value. He outweighs meaningless joyrides by a mile.

My like Hell from these temptations. Stop being a player. Stop looking at girls like they are your flesh servants. The joke is on you, brother. Everytime you mess with her you are doing a great injustice to your body. A lot of sins hurt a lot of people, but this sin is a sledgehammer to your own temple. It will leave you broken. Like stated earlier, you were made by the creator. You are a blazing torch for His spirit. Don't crap all over the gift. Wake up today knowing that God financed your new life. That means you treat your body with respect.

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